Jan 22, 2009 21:39:09 GMT -6
Post by Dying Eagle on Jan 22, 2009 21:39:09 GMT -6
This is where frequently asked question will be posted. Some will be made-up by admins as they see fit, others will be actually questions asked by guests or members that are good, valuable questions.
Q. I've heard that cats have powers on this site, is it true? A. Yes. Originally it was going to more coincidental stuff, but then I'm like, "Why not make this site a little bit interesting" so yes, I'm allowing actual powers. However, they like the morphs must be bought from the site store. Q. Is there a maximum number of characters? A. No, there is not. You can have as many as you want, just make sure they are all active. Q.Is it really that important if I create a thread in the departure thread saying I'll be away? Can' I just say so in the Cbox? A. YES IT IS IMPORTANT. We here at CT want to make sure that we are not mistaking your inactivity with just pure "I'm not coming on again" kind of thing rather than the "I can't get on." I, Eagle, would highly recommend you making a departure thread even if you post in the Cbox. It'll take an extra five minutes, but helps admins in the long run. Q. So, this is based off of the territories the Clans had by the lake...then why are they areas named differently? A.The reason is that simply, cats of different cultures call things differently. Just like in the books, some cats call Two-legs, others call them no-furs or hind-walkers. There is no guarantee that the ancient cats would have called these places what the Clans call them, and it also makes it a bit more unique. Q. Aren't Cats in Training really suppose to be called Softpaws? (asked by Ocean Storm). A.Simply put, no. In the allegiances in the book Long Shadows by Erin Hunter, she calls these cats Cats in Training to be Sharpclaws and that is what they shall stay as on this site, just to keep some of the original ideas given to these cats. Q. What are these Custrom Member Groups? (asked by Saphire). A.Custom member groups can be bought in the site store and are simplylittle groups members can join to have a little extra fun. They can be things like "Eagle's Minions" or a fan-club type thing like "Tigerstar Lovers!" Members can join, but it'll be the group starter's decisi0on whether that be free of charge with an entry price since they have to pay for extra spots.